Using a combination of non-destructive equipment including ground penetrating radar (GPR) , Schmidt hammers and Cover meters, Our qualified technicians can complete a full Concrete Structural Investigation for your project.
A Concrete Structural Investigation can be completed on just about any concrete structure, whether it’s a bridge, high rise building or residential property, Older buildings requiring renovations or new buildings requiring an As-Built report.
Our team can provide a fully comprehensive Concrete Structural Investigation report outlining the following information:
- Concrete slab dimensions
- Cover of concrete over reinforcing
- Reinforcing size and spacing
- If voids are present
- Grout tube and precast investigation
- Concrete strength using NDT methods
In addition to Non-destructive testing methods, Tedex also offer Destructive concrete core testing which involves extracting a sample of concrete from the structure without compromising the strength. After this, the sample is cured before undergoing a NATA accredited compressive strength test and, if required, mass per unit volume (Density).